星期二, 12月 20, 2005


第一次整.燶左小小. 不過ok. 好香薑味, 不過我劃圖真係一d天份都無, 人地個個都劃得好靚, 下次用另一個方法點d colour 上去先, 今次整得吾夠幼 !!^^''

2 則留言:

Jeffery 說...

If those taste not good, you can put it to the Christmas tree.

and..how is your computer? what happened.

Yumi 說...

會吾會有蟻呀. !!

oh. if my computer have problem . i cannot post la !!
michael take the computer to 樓下間電腦鋪check, free of charge ! just wrong password ??!! (但我不嬲都吾洗password ma ") 奇怪 !